
Brooklyn Shoot {II Part}

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

{Still in NY mode}
Did I mentioned before how much fun I had with my brother taking pictures of each other? We almost took 1,000 shots!! But that's because we spent more than 4 hours snapping our lives away  haha! Funny thing is it didn't feel that long. More than 200 pics were deleted and I bet there still more to delete. There's enough pictures to make a blog post each day for a whole week about a different topic. The photos below were some of my favorites.


  1. I love seeing the NY in the background...I love the graffiti ones, even on the mailbox...It's still pretty, yet so NY...Your brother is not bad either :) Handsome guy!

  2. What a fun way to make a memory with your brother. I'm from a small rural community so it is fun to see the city via your pictures.

  3. I agree, handsome brother! ;-)

    I love Brooklyn, my second home. So much to see and do, so much beauty. You both are very photogenic and talented behind and in front of the camera!


Thank you for your lovely comment ♥ !!

A Lovely Journey. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.