
Romantic & Feminine

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I started a new personal challenge over the weekend. Hopefully this new challenge will help me stay on track with my photography, like:

~ learn new techniques
~ get to know my new camera better
~ learn how to work with different lighting situations
~ learn more about the visual aspects of arranging elements with still life photography, etc

I customized the challenge according to my available time, which is very limited. It consist of  choosing a theme before the weekend (this is the only time I get to take out my camera if I get lucky). So basically I have five days to start planning and just let the imagination bloom with ideas until the weekend arrives. I'm hoping this challenge will help me stay focused on what I love and enjoy doing and be able to grow with time as a photographer and at my own pace. :)

I worked passionately on the images below last weekend. The idea was there for a while and I'm glad it turned out just as planned. :) I named this theme: "Romantic & Feminine"

I linked this post with Darcy over at Sweet Shot Tuesday

...There are in the end three things that last: 
Faith, Hope & Love,
And the greatest of these is Love.

1 Corinthians 13:13


Thank you for your lovely comment ♥ !!

A Lovely Journey. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.