
My 52 Weeks Photo Project! {Still Life}

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I decided to start a 52 week photo project about "still life"
hopefully this decision will force me to use my camera more often in "2011" yeyyyy!! =D
The question is, will I be able to finish? Well, we'll see about that! lol wish me luck!

My foto below was already featured in DivasandDreams blog!! One of my favorite blogs I love to visit! Please visit my friend Christina. She is truly and inspiration to me an many, many others. There's always something lovely and interesting to look and read at her blog.

How about you, do you have any fotographic goals for the new year? If you do, I would love to know :)

Me he decidido a comenzar un proyecto de 52 semanas "still life"
esperando que la desición me obligue a usar mi camara más seguido para el año 2011 =D
la pregunta es, podré terminar tan grande desafío?
bueno, pues ya lo veremos... porfavor deseenme suerte!

f r e s h... 1/52

Sweet Shot Day


  1. Lovely photo! Photo goals? I want photoshop! LOL

  2. Carmen, Carmen, Carmen, I am Denise your new fan..
    Breathless is all I have to say about your pictures...I love your style..I am by no means anywhere near a photographer, just a wanna be!! I am starting to research cameras any suggestions? Can you tell me what you use?
    Lord Bless Beauty!!

  3. Oh almost forgot...Do you enhance your photos? If so, what do you use...Thanks ;)

  4. This is beautiful! I love how you captured soft warmth here.

  5. I love this photo - so simply yet stunning!

  6. Wow. That is very, very pretty. I love it!

  7. This is absolutely gorgeous! I would also love to know how you processed it. It's perfect!

  8. Very nice shot, love the recoloring on the shot


Thank you for your lovely comment ♥ !!

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